GST Registration

Goods & Service Tax (GST)

Registraton in India

Register for GST & One Month GST Return Filling

At Rs 1,499/- for Proprietor

Experience a hassle-free GST registration process with India's #1 provider of tax compliance services. Benefit from our expertise and minimise the chances of objections. Plus, enjoy the assurance of a swift 7-day document upload to the GST authorities, or receive a full refund (*T&C apply)


Registration Process

Data collection

You will send us the documents and information as per the list provided by us.

Partner Allocation

Based on the documents sent; you will be given a manager for your registration process.

Portal Submission

We will submit all forms and documents related to registration of goods and service tax (GST) on your behalf and ARN number generated.


Your GST number will be issued and we will send you all documents related to GST number.

AIWS Pricing

Register your company with No hidden costs – One comprehensive Price

GST Registration

for sole Proprietors & Small Teams

₹ 1,499/-

GST Registration

for Company, LLP, Partnership Firm & Growing Business

₹ 1,499/-

What is

GST Registration ?

Goods and Service Tax (GST) is an indirect tax that has to be collected from customers when goods are sold or services are provided. The government in the year 2017 abolished various indirect taxes like VAT, Excise duty, Octroi, Service Tax, etc and introduced the GST Act.

Obtaining GST registration is mandatory for every organization or company doing a business turnover that exceeds the specified limits or falls under chapter 6 of the GST Act. A dual system of GST is implemented in India, whereby Central Goods and Service Tax (CGST) and State Goods and Service Tax (SGST) is levied on the supply of goods and services.

A business entity that is not registered under the GST Act will not be allowed to collect taxes from customers and is also not permitted to avail the tax credit of GST paid by him. However, GST becomes mandatory to apply when the revenues exceed the limits mentioned in the act per annum based on the state category.

The idea behind the GST Act in India is to bring all businesses, consultants, service providers, and freelancers under one single tax system, in which they sell goods or provide services.

Documents required & Minimum requirements

  • For GST Registration of a Company
  • For GST Registration of LLP and Partnership Firm
  • For GST Registration - Proprietorship
  • Scanned copy of Pan card and Aadhar card of every director.
  • Scanned copy of Passport Size photo of every Directors.
  • Notarised Rent agreement or sale deed.
  • Copy of electricity bill or property tax receipt.
  • NOC from a landlord (We will provide format).
  • Authority letter for appointment of authorised person(We will provide format).
  • Certificate of incorporation.
  • Copy of Latest Bank Account Statement.

For GST Registration of a Company

  • Scanned copy of Pan card and Aadhar card of every director.
  • Scanned copy of Passport Size photo of every Directors.
  • Notarised Rent agreement or sale deed.
  • Copy of electricity bill or property tax receipt.
  • NOC from a landlord (We will provide format).
  • Authority letter for appointment of authorised person(We will provide format).
  • Certificate of incorporation.
  • Copy of Latest Bank Account Statement.

For GST Registration of LLP and Partnership Firm

  • Scan copy of Pan card and Aadhar card of every Partner
  • Scan copy of Passport size photo of every partner
  • Notarised Rent agreement or sale deed.
  • Copy of electricity bill or property tax receipt
  • NOC from a landlord (We will provide format)
  • Authority letter for appointment of authorised person(We will provide format)
  • Scan copy of LLP agreement or Partnership deed.
  • Copy of Latest Bank Account Statement.

For GST Registration - Proprietorship

  • Scan copy of Pan card and Aadhar card of Proprietor
  • Scan copy of Passport size photo of Proprietor
  • Notarised Rent agreement or sale deed.
  • Copy of electricity bill or property tax receipt
  • NOC from a landlord (We will provide format)
  • Copy of Latest Bank Account Statement.

Results in Numbers





Years of Experience




GST Registration

Provide an input tax credit to customers

A person/business becomes legally authorized to collect tax from his purchasers and pass on the credit of the taxes paid on the goods or services supplied to purchasers or recipients.

Take input credit.

Voluntarily registered persons can take input credit on their own purchases and input services like legal fees, consultation fees, etc. This is beneficial for increasing their business margin and profitability in the longer run.

Make inter-state sales without many restrictions

Businesses registered under GST can make inter-state sales without many restrictions. Thus, it widens the potential market for SMEs. These SMEs can also opt for selling their goods online through the e-commerce platform.


GST Registration ?

The criteria for people that are required to be registered under GST is provided under Chapter 6 of the GST Act. As per the GST Act, the following persons are obliged to obtain GST registration:

Aggregate Turnover Criteria : Limit for sale of goods

Turnover : Exceeds Rs. 40 lakh

Applicable state : All states of India except Jammu and Kashmir, Puducherry, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand.

Turnover : Exceeds Rs. 20 lakh

Applicable state : Jammu and Kashmir, puducherry, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, arunachalpradesh, uttarakhand.

Aggregate Turnover Criteria : Limit for service provider

Turnover : Exceeds Rs. 20 lakh

Applicable state : All states of India except Jammu and Kashmir, Puducherry, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand.

Turnover : Exceeds Rs. 10 lakh

Applicable state : Jammu and Kashmir, puducherry, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, arunachalpradesh, uttarakhand.

1. Interstate suppliers:

Inter-state supply is supplying goods from one state to another. Hence, any taxable person who is involved in supplying goods to anyone outside the state is required to obtain GST registration.

2. Casual taxable persons:

A casual taxable person is an individual who supplies goods or services on an occasional basis and does not have a fixed place of business over there. A casual taxable person is required to obtain compulsory registration irrespective of the aggregate turnover in the previous year. An exemption has been given to a person engaged in the supply of “handicraft goods”.

3. Person liable to pay tax on reverse charge basis:

In some cases, the liability to pay tax (GST) would levy with the recipient of the goods or services, instead of the supplier. Any person who is liable to pay tax under the reverse charge basis is mandatorily required to obtain GST registration and pay tax accordingly.

4. Non-resident taxable persons:

A non-resident person who is making any taxable supply in the taxable territory is required to register under the GST regime.

5. Persons required to deduct TDS/TCS under GST

A person who is required to deduct TDS/TCS under GST (Goods and Service) Act is required to get itself registered under GST compulsorily.

6. Input service distributors:

An Input Service Distributor (ISD) is a business that receives an invoice for services used by them or their branches. It is not involved in the supply of goods or services directly. All the ISD are responsible for passing the GST credits received by them to their branches monthly. It is mandatory for all the ISD to obtain registration under the GST Act as an ISD.

7. Individuals making a sale as an agent or principal:

Any person who makes a taxable supply of goods or services on behalf of other people such as brokers, agents, dealers, distributors, etc are obliged to obtain the GST registration irrespective of their turnover.

8. Suppliers involved in supply goods through e-commerce operator:

A supplier/business making a supply of its goods through an electronic commerce operator is required to get themselves registered under GST.

9. Every e-commerce operator who provides a platform to suppliers through its portal:

E-commerce operators who allow others to make a supply of goods or services through their portal are required to obtain the GST registration.

10. Online service providers providing service from outside India to a non-registered person in India:

A person/company supplying online information, database access or retrieval from outside India is instructed to get itself registered under GST irrespective of the turnover in the previous year. E.g. Netflix has to get itself registered and pay taxes under normal charges for providing services from outside of India.

Penalty for not registering under GST

Goods and Service Tax Act levies a direct penalty on the person that is required to obtain GST registration but fails to take it. As per Section 122 of the CGST Act, any person who is required to obtain GST registration but fails to do so is liable for a minimum penalty of INR 10,000 or the amount of tax evaded whichever is higher.

Regular Compliance after GST Registration

Entities registered under the GST Act are required to comply with various compliance from time to time, failure to which can lead to penalties and revocation of GST registration by the authorities. Some of the primary responsibilities of a person registered under GST include:

  • (I) Filling of GST returns regularly
  • (II) Collecting GST from customers and remitting the same to the government.
  • (III) Issuing a proper GST invoice as per the GST rules and regulations.
  • (IV) Maintaining all records pertaining to GST for eight years.

Once you are registered under the GST, our Legal Workmate Team can help you with all the mandatory compliance at a reasonable fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the turnover limit for registering under a composite scheme ?

What is GST registration as a composite taxable person ?

Goods and Service Tax Act provides a special scheme for a supplier of goods and services that are allowed to pay the tax at a specified rate that is substantially lower than the normal applicable rates. However, the following persons/entities cannot register themselves under a composite scheme.

  • Composite taxable person or casual taxable person.
  • E-commerce operators who are required to collect tax at source
  • Business engaged in making an interstate supply of goods.
  • Manufacturer of ice cream and other edible ice with/without cocoa as additive.
  • Manufacturer of tobacco products and pan masala.
  • Supplier making supply of exempt goods and services.
  • Suppliers whose turnover exceeds a specific amount.

What is the rate of tax for composite taxable person ?

  • For Traders and other suppliers eligible for composition scheme registration : 1 %
  • For Manufacturers apart from manufacturers of products not eligible for GST composition scheme : 2 %
  • For Restaurant business. : 5 %
  • For Business involved in the supply of Services other than restaurant : 6 %

I doubt whether to register for composite taxes scheme or normal scheme how to resolve the same ?

I doubt whether to register for the composite Taxable Scheme. For more updates contact us for details about schemes.

What is the major disadvantage of registering under a composite scheme ?

The major disadvantages of registering under the composite scheme are the following:

  • Supplier of goods cannot make any Inter-State Supply of his products.
  • He cannot take the benefit of Input Tax credit paid by him.
  • Customer of composite taxable person cannot avail the benefit of Input Tax paid to the composite person.

Can an unregistered peron supply goods outside the states if his turnover is below rs 40 lakh ?

The unregistered person who wants to supply goods to any other state is mandatorily required to obtain GST registration.

How to calculate the total turnover for GST ?

As per section 2(6) of CGST Act aggregate turnover includes the value of

  • All Taxable Supplies.
  • All Exempt Supplies.
  • All export of Goods or Services.
  • Interstate supply of person having the same PAN.

What is the time limit for taking registration ?

A person liable to take GST registration should obtain the same within thirty days from the date on which he becomes liable to registration. In case of casual taxable person and a non-resident taxable person should apply for registration at least five days before commencement of business.

Is permanent account number (pan) mandatory for obtaining GST registration ?

Yes, As per Section 25(6) of the CGST Act, every person who wants to avail registration under GST shall have a Permanent Account Number issued under the Income Tax Act,1961. However, non-residents who are taking registration as a Casual Taxable person is granted exemption from PAN for GST registration.

I am involved in dropshipping business am I liable to obtain GST registration ?

Yes, If you are involved in making a supply of any goods in India then you are liable to obtain GST registration.

What if I want to close business then can I surrender my GST number ?

Yes, if in case the person chooses to cease the business then he/she can surrender their GST number to government.

I am the exporter of service, am I liable to obtain GST registration ?

Yes, since exports are zero-rate, one needs to register under GST to claim GST refund. Further export of services are zero-rated, so you do not need to pay any GST and can claim a refund of GST paid by you.

I am in dropshipping business and maknig supply of goods directly from a supplier outside india to customer outside india. Am I liable to register under GST ?

No, you are not liable to register under GST under this case. But if you want to use digital marketing ads, then you have to obtain GST registration.

Can GST department give me GST registration themselves ?

Yes, As per GST (Goods and Service) Act if a person is liable to be registered under the Act and fails to obtain registration, then the proper officer may give GST registration as per the Act.

My GST number has been cancelled by officer for non-filling of GST return. Can I now re-obtain my GST number ?

Yes, you can get your GST registration again but only after payment of all the pending dues and penalties.

Does the GST department physically verifies the address of business premises mentioned in the application for registration ?

Only in a case where the GST officer feels that the activity carried on by business is suspicious, or registration is obtained to care out fraud.

What is non resident taxable person ?

Non-resident taxable person means a person who wants to carry out business in India but does not have any fixed place of business in India.

At the time of registration which place of business assess has to declare ?

The taxpayer at the time of registration has to declare all the place of business, whether rinciple place or additional place.

Is digital signature mandatory for GST registration of company ?

It is mandatory for the company for Limited Liability Partnership to obtain a GST registration through DSC signature.

Does GST department issues any query in registration application ?

Yes, the GST department may issue a query list in case of GST registration if they want any clarification. If you are obtaining GST registration form us then we shall take care of all the queries without any charges.

Can separate registration be obtained for different business of one person ?

Yes, if a person is engaged in selling goods or providing services in different business verticals then he can obtain separate GST registration for various business verticals.

What our Customers Say About Us ?

I suggest Aiws Accountech for providing excellent financial advice and helped me navigate complex tax regulations.

Paresh Parmar - Proprietor

As a CEO, I highly recommend Aiws Accountech because of their expertise and professionalism .


I had a great experience with this accounting firm known as ‘Aiws Accountech’. They handled my bookkeeping efficiently and kept me well-informed throughout the process. Trustworthy and reliable!


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